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Visit of 30 Korean cooperatives to Nafosa

Recently, Nafosa has obtained the Organic Certification of Korea – DCOK, an accreditation that guarantees the quality of our alfalfa and organic forage, as well as endorsing that they are organic products.

For this reason, Nafosa has increased its competitiveness in the animal feed sector in Korea, reason why we had the honor of receiving representatives from 30 livestock cooperatives who are very interested in the best nutrition for their animals.

During the visit we show our facilities and our crops of organic products, in addition to establishing interesting business relationships mutually favorable.

For sure these new relationships will be very profitable in the long term and Nafosa will continue with its commitment to innovation, quality in animal nutrition and sustainability in the production of fodder and alfalfa.

All the news about Nafosa and its organic products at www.nafosa.es.

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