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The Nafosa facilities

Nafosa has 5 facilities, each with its own type of production and distinct features:

Nafosa Esplús: The largest production facility, with over 150,000 tons of production per year. The surrounding climatic conditions contribute to the high-quality final product.

Nafosa Peralta: This plant holds EU and China organic certification, as well as GMP+ certification, ensuring the product is ecological.

Nafosa Monzón: This plant achieves 100% logistics efficiency thanks to optimal technological and human management, as well as its proximity to excellent transport infrastructure.

Nafosa Pinsoro: Known for its adaptability and versatility in products and formats, this facility allows Nafosa to tailor orders to the specific needs of customers in any market.

Nafosa Patagonia: Specialized in the production of High-Quality Nutritional Forages, this plant is located in the Bahía Blanca industrial park (Argentina), where its main product is sun-dried alfalfa mega bales.

Learn more about our facilities at www.nafosa.es/en.

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