Wheat straw bales

Definición: Wheat straw is a fibrous byproduct with low nutritional value. This product is chopped during its manufacturing, achieving a particle size of around 8-10 cm. Characteristic yellow color.


Usos: It is used to dilute the concentration of nutrients in rations of replacement calves or cows in the drying period. It can also be used in small quantities in lactating animals to promote the normal functioning of the rumen.

Formato: Bales of 380 kg tied with strapping

Wheat straw
Product code 680
Moisture (%)


Crude protein (%) >3
Crude fiber (%) <45
RFV 50-80
Ash (%) <12
Aflatoxins B1 (ppm) <0,02

  • Wheat straw bales
  • Wheat straw bales
  • Wheat straw bales
  • Wheat straw bales
  • Wheat straw bales
  • Wheat straw bales

Dehydrated alfalfa
Sun Dried Alfalfa
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