Export of dehydrated alfalfa and other fodder in 2022
Nafosa leaves 2022 with very positive alfalfa and fodder export figures, which exceed 400,000 tons every year and which is increasing due to the productive potential of our crops.
Powerful figures that position Nafosa as one of the main exporters of dehydrated fodder in Spain, where it is estimated that just over 1 million tons of dehydrated alfalfa have been exported in 2022, according to data from the AEFA – Spanish Manufacturers Association of Dehydrated Alfalfa.
Due to our productive potential and in terms of innovation, Nafosa has positioned itself as a leader in Europe, an achievement obtained based on technology, professional workforce, a powerful sales team and our culture of constant innovation.
In 2023 we will continue offering the best customer service with our order tracking service, our quality and organic fodder and NAFOSA LAB, laboratory service.
All the news at www.nafosa.es/en.